Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In The Beginning

We (the entire R5 crew) have begun efforts to reduce the complexities in our lives. This will cross all aspects of lives; income, home, gifts, travel, toys....etc.

Why? We found ourselves running around in circles consuming everything that our consumption based economy offered to us. We have learned that consumption for the sake of consumption is not fun, adds more stress and heightens expectations based on making more money. I'm not saying money is not helpful, just that we were too focused on spending it and creating levels of financial dependencies requiring more input of money on a recurring basis.

What next? We have begun cutting cords (contracts, money flow) with the shackles of entangling financial reliances. Our plan is to sell everything - I mean everything - to provide a much simpler cost of living model that will free out time to focus on experiencing life with our children.

How? By understanding a simple question yet complex want from my youngest son, "Daddy is it Playday today?" That question has driven home one simple fact that I accept is unaltering - my children will grow and up. Now is the best time to build the bonds and share the memories that will last forever. So what if my 'career' stalls, falters or is irrevocably altered. When I reflect on the time we'll invest in each other for the next 5-10 years I will understand what this time is really about.

So follow along if you like as WE go against the current of societies expectations and follow the beat of our own music. I'll share, unfiltered (Ok, it is my perspective) the process and experience.

Look for my next post about our plans for the following weeks and months as we plan our new lifestyle, keep in touch with friends, make new friends and learn a lot about ourselves, each other and this large world we live on/in.

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